- Make at least half your grains whole!
- Choose breads and cereals that contain 5 or more grams of fiber
- Choose whole grain pastas and brown rice
- Have at least 3-5 fruit and/or vegetables a day
- Raw vegetables are higher in fiber than cooked
- Eat the skin, this is where most of the fiber found in the skin
- Add dried fruit, nuts and seed to cereals, trail mix, and salads
- Include beans and lentils into your diet (e.g. black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.) by adding them into salads or using them in recipes instead of chicken or beef.

**Warning: As they say too much of a good thing can be bad thing. And this definitely goes for fiber! If your not used to a diet high in fiber gradually increase your daily intake. Also make sure you drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation and cramping.**
Good Luck!!! Comments, and questions welcome!
Tomorrow the “Flavor of the Week” ...OKRA . I will show you an easy high fiber recipe using Okra!