Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 1 Challenge : Increase your fiber intake!

We all know that fiber is important in our diet. We hear about it in commercials and ads promoting foods for its fiber content and its health benefits. And now a days it seems like everything has fiber in it even splenda!  But what is so special about fiber anyways, what is it and why do we need it? Dietary fiber is whats left over after everything else (carbohydrates,protein and fat) is digested. It is naturally found in plant foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. It comes in two forms insoluble and soluble both of which do their work in the gut. Soluble fiber helps absorb nutrients in the gut like cholesterol and glucose helping to decrease cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. While, insoluble fiber works to keep things moving in the gut, helping prevent diverticulosis and even colon cancer. Fiber doesn’t discriminate we all need it! The recommended amount of fiber per day is 25 grams for females and 38 grams for males. For many this may be a stretch seeing as the average fiber intake is only 10-14 grams a day. Soo here are some helpful tips to add those extra 10,20, or 30 grams of fiber into your diet!
  • Make at least half your grains whole!
    • Choose breads and cereals that contain 5 or more grams of fiber
    • Choose whole grain pastas and brown rice
  • Have at least 3-5 fruit and/or vegetables a day
    • Raw vegetables are higher in fiber than cooked
    • Eat the skin, this is where most of the fiber found in the skin
  • Add dried fruit, nuts and seed to cereals, trail mix, and salads
  • Include beans and lentils into your diet (e.g. black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.) by adding them into salads or using them in recipes instead of chicken or beef.

**Warning: As they say too much of a good thing can be bad thing. And this definitely goes for fiber! If your not used to a diet high in fiber gradually increase your daily intake. Also make sure you drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation and cramping.**

Good Luck!!! Comments, and questions welcome!

Tomorrow the “Flavor of the Week” ...OKRA . I will show you an easy high fiber recipe using Okra!

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